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A Pirate in a Castle!

Last weekend Captain Burwash visited Skipton Castle, and discovered his ugly mug was painted large upon a sign outside the castle.

Burwash Poster 2017


As a consequence, lots of people came to meet with him and he spent the whole weekend telling tales of famous pirates and their piratical deeds, as well as waxing lyrical about his possessions and piracy in general.

Here you can see some children gathered at the front to take part in one of the stories, doing all the actions needed to help their watching family members enjoy the tale.


At one point a scurvy little scallywag called Tom (known well to the captain) thought he might reach out for a bottle of rum while the captain was distracted in conversation. Sensibly, considering how heavily armed the captain was, the boy slid along the bench away from temptation!


You may notice the captain was wearing his rather lovely new coat, stitched with his own two hands, as shown in the previous news post.

If you want to know more about Captain Burwash, please click here. And if you want him to visit your school, please get in touch.

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