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Being the Constable of Bolsover

I had a great time at Bolsover castle in the 1670s (!) this weekend being Benjamin Grainger, the parish constable. I attempted to convince the crowds not to be afeared of the soldiers, for I had lodged them according to the law and was keeping an eye on them, whilst simultaneously encouraging the townsfolk to fear the consequences of the law in regards to their own behaviour. Hopefully the illegal taking of clay from Shuttlewood Common by the town’s pipe-makers will now cease!

The constable spoke a lot about highwaymen, especially the notorious local robber Edmund Bracy and his gang, telling stories I ‘borrowed‘ from my highwayman character John Nevison; whilst being dressed in clothes I borrowed from my Great Fire of London and Great Plague character, Sir William Petty.

Now I have seen the picture, I have decided all my characters are going to stop eating puddings!

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