Just now I am right in the middle of my annual two week run as Guy Fawkes, and having a great time being him. Last week I met 12 (mostly) Key Stage 1 classes (4 then 1 then 2 then 1 then 4) plus a bunch of other classes who came to see the assembly introduction to the day.
Next week, more of the same, and then I am back to my more usual characters for three more fully booked weeks, with just one last day as Fawkes in late November and then the beard retires until next summer.
These pictures are from a day with one class in a local school (thanks Mistress ‘B’ for taking them!) when Master Guido worked with a year one class all day. Below you’ll see someone (aged 6) has made a very pertinent point which Guy Fawkes thinks is worthy of notice.
The children learned how to write in a secret cipher, being the one used by the catholics Anthony Babington and Father John Ballard in their communications with Mary Queen of Scots. If only Walsingham’s spies had not know the cipher as well as how to intercept the letters things might have been different. Guy Fawkes has high hopes that this time they will not fail. He’s so confident, in fact, that he can even laugh about it all!
I am surprised he feels so happy this close to the fateful 5th November!
I know it’ll be a while (about 11.5 months I reckon) before I am Fawkes again, but to see which of my various characters you might like to visit your school, please take a look at my page of Characters. I look forward to hearing from you.