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That’s Guy Fawkes done for another year!

I had a great time being Guy again this year at the end of October and the start of November. I visited schools from Wigan and Rochdale to Sheffield and Barnsley, to name but a few.

Here you can see the man in question returning to a Huddersfield staff room for a spot of lunch after telling three classes the secret plans he vowed to keep secret and never tell anyone. The startled look is probably because he’s just realised he really should have kept it all to himself!

Guy Fawkes returns for his lunch

Next year I am going to grow my own beard and be a shorter (more comfortable) bearded version of Fawkes, which considering the fact that we have no pictures of him made during his life is equally as likely to be authentic as the very long one I have been a-glueing to my chin! (It does mean, however, that instead of ‘Movember’ I’ll be doing a ‘Moctober’. Ah well.) 

In the meantime I have been ever so busy (as usual) in November that it has taken until now to find the time to write this little news piece!

Click on Guy Fawkes if you want to see more information about a day with the infamous fellow himself.

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