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Hear ye! Hear Ye! The New Website is up!

Important News!

Thanks to the help of my good friend Jamie my VISITORS FROM THE PAST website has been rejigged and re-skinned and various other technological terms that are probably more correct. This new one allows news posts (this is one right here) and a better enquiry form as well and umpteen other clever features, plus everything I had before.

Bookings are coming in already for next year, even some for Summer term! Meanwhile, with the summer holidays fast approaching this term’s bookings are growing lighter which means I had the time to work on this. Hopefully in the summer holidays, what with re-enactments and Skipton castle, as well as a chance to review the year, I will have some new news stories to impart. In the meantime, it’s back to the (forever) studies for what might become my next new character – a scientific revolution ‘natural philosopher’.

(The picture shows the pirate Captain Burwash in his buccaneer form. If you want to know more about him, click here.)

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