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What’s that on your back?

During a very recent visit as Captain Burwash the pirate to a Yorkshire school I asked the children if there was anything ‘on my person’ they wanted to ask me about – after all I was carrying a lot of things and so far we had only discussed a handful of them.

A little girl put her hand up and asked, “What is that on your back?”

I did the required comedy spin to try and see what she wanted to know, then asked if she meant the cutlass, or the baldrick (belt) it was hanging from.

“No, that,” she said, helpfully pointing at my back again.

I began to list various other things she could mean: My belt bag? The knot on my head scarf?

Then the teacher helpfully answered the girl, “Ah, now you see, Captain Burwash is very hot.”

The girl was asking about the sweat patch!

(Moral of the story: A new linen waistcoat might be cooler than a woolen one, but the consequences of a hot summer’s day are rather more visible!)

Skipton in the Summer Holidays

As I have done in the last five years, I shall be back at Skipton Castle again for a few weekends this summer 2012.

First I am hoping to attend the Tower Hamlets Trayned Bands Living History event there as a troubled musketeer on the weekend of the 4th and 5th August. Then I shall be there on my own first as ‘Swift Nicks’ Nevison the famous Yorkshire highwayman the following weekend (11th and 12th August) and after that as Colonel Sir John Mallory, castle governor, on the 25th and 26th August.

Here I am back in 2008 being Sir John …

It was 1645 again in 2008

I do not believe I have aged over much since then!