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Fame at Last!

Huzzah! At last I am famous, with my name writ large for all to see (provided they were passing the gate to Skipton Castle on the Bank Holiday weekend, and looking in the right direction, etc)

And to prove the little ones in the last news post were indeed my boys (not that I have reason to think any of you doubted the fact) here is a picture that made and makes me smile…

I am now receiving bookings for this term – they are coming in at a gathering pace. Contact me as soon as possible if you want a date and hopefully I can do just the right day for you!

Recruitment at the Castle

Sir John’s Recruitment Goes Moderately Well

Once again this August Bank Holiday Colonel Sir John Mallory was back as Governor of Skipton Castle, defending it against the rebellious roundhead army of the Northern Association.

Having scoured the wapentakes of Claro, Newcrosse and Staincliffe three times for soldiers, once to form his own Trayned Bands regiment, then to supply soldiers for the Earl of Newcastle’s army, and yet again upon the king’s orders, Sir John was getting desperate for recruits. Most commanders stick to able bodied men aged between 16 and 60, but Sir John was forced this last weekend to cast his net a little wider.

Thus it was that the training of the new recruits began in earnest. Here one rather tiny new recruit (I believe he said his name was Thomas and can only assume his second name is Thumb) watches as another musketeer-to-be learns her postures with a matchlock musket …

(Note: Worry not regarding the photographs of children here, both lads you can see are mine! I was very happy to have a surprise visit from them and their mum on the Sunday, and they seemed happy to see me!)

Click on this link to find out more about my Castle Governor character.

Another Adventure for the Highwayman Last Weekend

Recently forced to hide in Skipton Castle while a hue and cry was raised in the town, the famous Yorkshire highwayman ‘Swift Nicks’ Nevison faced an unexpected danger. This took the form of a brave young lad, armed only with a wooden sword, who thought to test the highwayman’s mettle by challenging him to a duel.

Being a courageous sort of gentleman, and having encountered many a threat in his time, from foreign mercenaries to parish constables, Nevison was undeterred and stood his ground.

Soon, however, the potential combatants developed a mutual respect, both good fellows and knowing the other to be the same. Before long the little lad was trying out Nevison’s sword to see how it compared with his own toy blade, and singing its praises as a well balanced blade.

Click here to find out more about the famous highwayman John Nevison.

Tutbury Castle Adventures

I have just returned from the Seventeenth Century Life and Times event at Tutbury Castle in Staffordshire. There I played Lieutenant Colonel Peter Kniverton, the governor, defending the castle against the soldiers of Sir William Brereton, rebellious roundheads all.

It went well, apart from a certain duel. I was catching my breath just after we had been hard pressed by an assault …

… when I noticed one fellow, Captain Henry Vernon, heading my way with evil intent. Being of considerably more experience with a blade than me (not exactly a rare occurrence) he had cut me before I could defend myself. I stumbled back away from him …

And luckily a stout sergeant was close at hand to ward the fellow off before he could come at me again …

I am now recovered with little more than my pride hurt, and ready to go and defend Skipton Castle this weekend. This time I shall have my musket with me so hopefully I can deal with the foe before he get’s so close!

School holidays can’t half be dangerous, you know.

Click on this link to find out more about my Castle Governor character.

Hear ye! Hear Ye! The New Website is up!

Important News!

Thanks to the help of my good friend Jamie my VISITORS FROM THE PAST website has been rejigged and re-skinned and various other technological terms that are probably more correct. This new one allows news posts (this is one right here) and a better enquiry form as well and umpteen other clever features, plus everything I had before.

Bookings are coming in already for next year, even some for Summer term! Meanwhile, with the summer holidays fast approaching this term’s bookings are growing lighter which means I had the time to work on this. Hopefully in the summer holidays, what with re-enactments and Skipton castle, as well as a chance to review the year, I will have some new news stories to impart. In the meantime, it’s back to the (forever) studies for what might become my next new character – a scientific revolution ‘natural philosopher’.

(The picture shows the pirate Captain Burwash in his buccaneer form. If you want to know more about him, click here.)